Sustainability Reporting Simplified

Our mission is to ease the sustainability reporting burden so your team can refocus on results.

Why Keenly?


Why Keenly?

Whether you’re just getting started or have been reporting for a decade, Keenly helps you and your team proactively and efficiently tell your sustainability story.

Your personalized dashboard makes gathering data, tracking progress and documenting processes seamless.

Our proprietary algorithm suggests topics, questions and frameworks that matter most to investors and regulators while considering your starting point.

What Keenly Does

As investors experiencing the sustainability data problem firsthand, we built Keenly to address the challenges of current reporting.


Framework Mapping

View all major frameworks underpinning imminent regulation in a single platform and quickly identify the highest impact topics.


Prioritized Material Topics

Prioritize financial materiality by starting with suggested topics based on your industry and peers.


Workflow Optimization

Optimize collaboration with notifications, due dates and workflow management to help your team stay organized and on track.


Process Documentation

Establish an audit trail preemptively to ensure efficacy and reduce costs through future assurance processes. 


Framework Mapping

View all major frameworks underpinning imminent regulation in a single platform and quickly identify the highest impact topics.


Prioritized Material Topics

Prioritize financial materiality by starting with suggested topics based on your industry and peers.


Workflow Optimization

Optimize collaboration with notifications, due dates and workflow management to help your team stay organized and on track.


Process Documentation

Establish an audit trail preemptively to ensure efficacy and reduce costs through future assurance processes. 

Intuitive Platform


Custom Dashboard

  • Get your team up and running in less than 24 hours
  • Automate your process and get time back
  • View team progress and workflows all in one place

Tailored Reporting Interface

  • Integrate leading standards into your reporting process
  • Reduce time spent sifting through disparate frameworks
  • Standardize sustainability disclosures to meet investor, rating agency and regulator needs




Keenly is your digital partner for identifying, tracking and reporting on material issues according to major frameworks.

Dashboard customization shows your team’s progress on your framework-driven, Keenly-curated questions without ever sending an email or providing comments on WaterData_v18_finalfinal.xlsx.

Workflow solutions seamlessly document your process as you go, giving you, your auditors and your stakeholders time back, while establishing accountability and transparency across your organization.





Simplify client communications and deliverables. Utilize Keenly to serve shared clients.

Scale your solutions. Automate project management with all of your clients in one place exchanging information in real time.

Partner with Keenly. Leverage an enterprise level partnership to augment your services with technology.

Private Equity

Quickly send out ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI) and other questionnaires to all of your portcos. Seamlessly track progress, send reminders and validate and aggregate responses through your dashboard.

As portcos begin to explore more robust sustainability reporting, Keenly provides a familiar interface for their corporate reporting across major frameworks.


Private Equity

Our Story

Over the last decade we’ve worked at the world’s largest investment managers, advised the most influential investors, and served industry leading companies. We continue to come back to the same theme: everyone is looking for better sustainability data.

We met as colleagues, bonded over our fascination with “ESG”, and started speaking with dozens of companies and investors seeking to tell their own sustainability stories. We heard familiar themes-- companies are under resourced, unsure of what to report, and unable to quickly gather data from disparate teams across the company.

We founded Keenly to bridge the gap between the current state of corporate reporting and the growing investor demand for standardization. 

Keenly logoSustainability Reporting Simplified